Elder Grace is now settled in Edwardsville, IL.
He has a new companion Elder Sutherland from Kaysville, Utah.
Cole gets along well with his new companion Elder Sutherland, he is also Cole's district leader.
So Cole was able to go back to O'fallon for the baptism of a 9 yr old girl named Carissa.
Cole and his former companion Elder Smith taught Carissa, and she was baptized by a member in the ward.
Cole was so excited to attend the baptism and to see everyone from his ward in O'fallon.
Monday March 4,2013 Cole road his bike to the library so he could email home. When he got to the library he realized he had forgot
his camera. He says he has new pictures to share and he was so excited to send them home.
So we will see those new pictures next time.
I thought it would be fun to go back to Cole's farewell......
I know Elder Grace is so grateful to have great friends and family
that love and support him throughout his mission.
Super proud mom!
We are all so proud of Elder Grace, he is so awesome-amazing!!!!! He is also such a great example and a strong missionary!!! Keep up the good work Elder Grace!
Thanks for your flashback Tuesday! I loved seeing the farewell pictures (especially the one of Aubrey) :). Can't wait to see more of Cole's mission pics.